
Bitcoin client: practical and practical



On B.T. November 24, 2009 and January 9, 2009 (Beijing time), Nakamoto sent an email to the mysterious cryptography discussion group, announcing the official release of the first version of bitcoin client. This is not the first email about bitcoin sent by Nakamoto, but it is the first email about bitcoin products.

At the beginning of the email, I hereby announce the release of the first version of bitcoin client, a new e-cash system, which adopts a point-to-point network to prevent double flowers.

These functions are very important to cryptographers, especially the problem of two flowers. Until now, cryptologists are still studying this problem, and the bitcoin created by Nakamoto is their focus. Nakamoto presented a decentralized and consensus rule scheme for us.

Nakamoto not only put forward the idea (white paper), but also put it into practice. This pragmatic spirit is also the basis of consensus people's belief and esteem.

In the email, Nakamoto invites people to set up nodes to help the network run normally. He mentioned that the way to get bitcoin is very simple, because in the beginning, the mining difficulty of bitcoin was unbelievable. When Nakamoto sent this email, the difficulty of mining was very low. Ten years ago, today's excavated blocks are only 1 in difficulty. Nakamoto also pointed out in the email that the network may need to be "restarted".

This software is the first version and is still in the experimental stage. I've tried my best to do version control, but I can't guarantee that the system won't restart when necessary. Since then, bitcoin software has been updated in dozens of versions. The code base developed by Nakamoto also inspired other people, driving the birth of more and more clients.

To this day, bitcoin is still the cryptocurrency with the highest price, the largest market value and the strongest liquidity, with a market value of more than US $1 trillion at its peak.

T Index★★★★(from consensus, very reliable)
TracingBabbitt media report (To trace the source and keep the truth)
Chain  consensus information, without chain store! (TIME will last forever!)



1. The t-yuan calendar refers to the time ecological calendar, with January 1, 2019 as the first day of t-yuan, and the former as the first day of t-yuan;

2. T index, the whole time ecological evaluation index, which refers to the traceability reliability evaluation of time ecology;

3. The traceability link can be verified by clicking, and the time event record must be open, transparent and verifiable;

4. The information in this paper is carefully verified, and the necessary information must be stored on the chain, and must be recorded permanently;


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